Put the power back in your hands

Career Counselling & Careers Advisor in Perth 

Don’t settle for the jobs you have to take

Finding a fulfilling career isn’t just for lucky people.

It takes knowing the right techniques and being empowered enough to take on the fiercely competitive, increasingly disheartening Perth job market. 

Pillentum career counselling, advisory and coaching services provides supportive one-on-one, expert advice for job searchers, career conquerors and newly relocated professionals—whether currently employed or not.

Through a simple, methodical and focused approach, career fulfilment is possible for anyone who commits to the Pillentum program.

Old job search techniques don’t work anymore

All they do is grind you down until you feel like there’s no hope. So why continue that vicious cycle?

Pillentum gives you the strategic career building skills you’re not taught in school. Once you’ve been through the Pillentum process and develop these skills, you’ll have them for life.

What does that get you?

A lifetime of confidence knowing you always have the tools to build the career you really want and not suffer through jobs you’ve had to take just to survive.

Pillentum Career Coaching Perth

Introducing your career coach and job search advisor

Hi, I’m Peter Mazzucato founder of Pillentum, career counselling specialist and career advisor located in Perth, Western Australia.

I work with people in the mining, resources and construction sectors specialising in technical and engineering disciplines to help them navigate the rapidly changing employment landscape.

How much do you think it costs to be unemployed or under-employed?

What most people don’t realise when they come to Pillentum is that the cost of investing in a specialist career advisor or coach is tiny in comparison to the time suck, confidence drain and all-out damaging impact that sub-par employment has on life. 

I’ve consulted for people who decided to go it alone, then they came back to me 18 months later still looking for work using outdated job search models. That’s over $120,000 in lost income that could have been under a quarter of that! 

With the average job search time for professionals now extending to 6 – 12 months (sometimes longer), I ask you:

Can you afford to continue using outdated, extremely ineffective job search and career development methods any longer?

Pillentum’s career counselling and coaching services provide fully personalised training and advice that puts the power back in your hands.

Because what you need most when you’re going through career transition is a professional career advisor who’s been in your shoes and has the battle-scars to prove it.

“I came to Peter pretty disgruntled and cynical about coaching, yet I was stuck in the unfruitful sludge of the traditional job board and recruitment agency application cycle. Adding to my frustrations was dealing with recruiters who promised the world but delivered nothing.

“Peter helped me to focus and clarify my objectives. He crystallised a job search strategy and action plan which gave me the critical skills to take job searching on with a newfound confidence. 

“Peter’s techniques are the new way forward for job searching—I’ve already passed my skills onto people in my network. Highly recommended!”


Client of Career Advisor and Career Counselling Perth
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Address: 65b Jean St Hamilton Hill Coogee 6163 Western Australia

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